Monday, January 7, 2013

Spring ahead

We're at the beginning of January and there's still a winter chill in the air, but spring planting is already on my mind.  Today, rain-drenched grounds, cloudy skies and cold temperatures keep me inside.  This is a good day to curl up with a cup 'o tea and a good book.  I have a selection of books pertaining to herbs, gardening, cooking, sewing, poetry and such; things that inspire, things that I love to do.  There's been a lot of sewing going on, but gardening's always in the back of my mind.  I have another blog you know,; this is where I log gardening happenings at the Casita (Christine! One blog too many perhaps?)  Today I am feeling compelled to read and study.  I really enjoy this book (pictured), The Moosewood Restaurant Kitchen Garden, by David Hirsch; this is today's reading for fun and inspiration.